Monday, February 28, 2011

SOBE - Grand Tasting: just take a look

I continue my silent coverage from the SOBE Wine and Food Festival which is officially over. Fun, sun and tones of food were the highlights of the Grand Tasting day which was open to the public. Raw fish, ceviche, fish tacos and various red meats were mostly served with some amazing desserts and colorful cocktails to match the Floridian colors. Add the distinguished voice of Rachel Ray and you have a recipe for culinary success.

Squeeze the lime Rachel - amazing dress BTW

Spicy Tuna Banh Mi (MAKOTO)     

South Beach Sea Breeze cocktail by Illy

Just an average chicken sandwich     


Just dance to lose all those calories!

What is this? If you have an answer, email me: tzervaki at dot com                                      

The best sweet thing I have ever had: see what it is below

Cupcakes made with jelly beans - Yellow....
I just love those Floridian colors...