Sunday, January 10, 2010

Microsoft's sponsored opening reception party for NRF

The National Retail Federation Expo won't start until Monday morning but the opening reception party was held on Sunday at 5pm, at Marriott Marquis. Sponsored by Microsoft, the reception was affluent and abundant offering its guests generous portions of booze with open bar for nearly two hours and worth waiting long lines for the late comers for the amazing buffets. I will give a 10/10 to the pork, beef and sausage buffet paired with coleslaw and pepper salad. I didn't try the pasta and blinis bars but I tried the desert bar. Amazing macaroons, delightful champagne zabaglione mousse, tasty lemon meringue spoons, appealing chocolate caramel slices, mouthwatering chocolate spoons and chocolate-like lolly pops. And all those in an impressive display together with the Windows 7 napkins....Clever match!

Some companies have money to spend to lure more clients. Microsoft is one of those. We are not against it. We support Microsoft in its effort and we appreciate the good intentions. But most of all, we do appreciate the chocolate macaroons....


flakup said...

Where was the reception in??