As a
new resident of the Emerald City, I experienced one of the city's farmers markets.
Last Saturday, the University District Farmers Market celebrated one of Washington's most famous and
sought-after farm products: Apples. During this AppleLooza, visitors could
taste numerous varieties, try cider and attend cooking demos featuring recipes
with apples, of course. They could also sample over 15 varieties of unique,
local heirloom apples and vote for their favorite.
knowledge about apple selection extends to the Orange Red, Golden Delicious and
Jonagold. During the AppleLooza celebration, I had to taste forty different
varieties that included amongst others the following: Winter Banana, Pirus (best for cooking apparently),
Black Gilflower, King David, Spigold, Honey Gold, Hawkeye (a Red Delicious
heirloom), Pink Pearl, Blue Permain, Belle de Boskoop, Kidd’s Orange Red,
Golden Delicious, Ruby Jon, Jonagold and Snow Sweet.
As I
am not an expert in this field, I just indulged in the "tasting" and
enjoyed the entire process. Some were crunchy, others had more flavor, going
from sour to sweet, from green to yellow to red. My favorite? Sweet Sixteen: a
sweet apple but with a nice acidity, full complexity and texture.
at my ignorance, I left the market intrigued and I promise that I will immerse
in this fascinating apple's world. Washington State will provide everything I
need. Sweet Sixteen included.
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