Saturday, August 28, 2010
Market - Exchange and don't be lonely!
"market," an interactive installation at chashama 266 by Audra Wolowiec, invites individuals to participate in an intimate micro-economy by brining garments to be altered through the process of exchange. Located in the Garment District of New York City, this site-specific project stems from a desire to connect with people and draw attention to the labor embedded in the garments we wear.
What does it really mean for you? Just bring a piece of clothing, tote bag or something similar and leave it at the hands of the artist. She will have a piece from a second garment cut, transferred and sewed on yours and that second garment will get the corresponding piece of your clothing! When you will go to pick it up you will see the other person's name on the tag . It's just a cute way of exchange in this busy, fast and expensive world we are living. This gesture is simple, nice and different.
To participate, please visit the space during open hours and remember to bring an item of clothing. Participants will kindly be asked to leave their garments on display throughout the duration of the project and can retrieve them when the show closes on September 7th. The artist will be available for exchange daily from 11am - 6pm.
Where: Chashama 266
266 West, 37th street, New York, 10018
When: from today to September 7th, open daily 11am to 6pm - the gallery will be closed September 1st and 2nd.
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