Nicole Farhi's sample sale lasted until Saturday. As a former London resident, I couldn't resist. I arrived at Chelsea market's third floor where the sale was taking place. There were a few racks for women of all sizes and some for men, you could also find items for home. I can't say that the selection was vast, however, after a significant amount of time, I finally found the item I was flirting with. I asked the associate where was the fitting room and she said "everywhere you like here". The space wasn't large and there were a few people of both sexes but I found a discreet spot, and tried the rice-colored pants I had an eye on. They fitted perfect - I decided I was up for the purchase. With a price tag of only $79 from $395, it was a must-buy. While looking around, I saw a number of items I would like to try so I picked one. "No, there are all ours" said a male voice behind me. Apparently, the husband of the lady who anxiously was looking for more items to grab for trial. I don't know if they all fitted but I wished her luck. After all, Nicole Farhi is not such a bad designer to neglect even with a limited selection.
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